Top Four

Being in the relationship of my life with my wife, Julie Novak.

Being an Aunt. Best job ever!
My dogs, Jackson and Archie.

Prince. I am an obsessive. Only other obsessives understand. Luckily, there are many of us.
Julie Novak -
Comedian, co-founder of TMI Project (and my wife so of course she is at the top of the list.)
Her comedy combines a keen look at the politics of queerness, gender variance, and everything in between.
Maria Bamford -
I first fell for Maria when I saw "The Maria Bamford Show". I love her ability to talk about something as serious as mental illness and do it with enough humor to make us want to listen.
John Leguizamo -
Actor, Comedian
John won me over when I saw his one-man show, Freak. I share videos from that show with my students to offer a strong example of the power of reliving a story in front of an audience instead of telling a story to an audience.
Resources and Inspiration
The best thing I have learned is not to try to combat serious challenges by myself. AA taught me that when I finally joined the program and stopped drinking. If you have a problem, reach out for help. There are a lot of us waiting to help.
TMI Project was born out of my involvement with VDay. I had directed The Vagina Monologues two years in a row to raise money for local women's organizations. The third year we decided to tell our own stories. The rest is history. I am forever grateful and continually inspired by the work and activism of VDAY.
I love meeting ambitious women looking to make a difference in the world. Women on Fire connects women from all over the country. In the short time I have been a member, I have met countless inspiring and supportive women. The connections, resources and encouragement are priceless.
Pema Chodron
Before I stopped drinking, as I was bottoming out, I read "When Things Fall Apart". It helped me in early sobriety as I cleaned up the mess I had made of my life without picking up again. Her words of wisdom and ability to express them in a way I can absorb have been helpful on many occasions.
Brene Brown
When I watched Brene's Ted Talk on Vulnerability, I felt like I must have secretly paid her to do the research to back my work. She explains the science behind TMI Project.
Tony Porter
I believe it is important to address the ways sexism has impacted the lives of boys and men. Until we start acknowledging these issues, talking about them and creating solutions, violence against women, rape and oppression of women will not end. Tony Porter is the co-creater of A Call to Men. We should all listen to his work and learn how to talk to and raise our boys.