"TMI Project's Eva Tenuto Presents Eve Ensler with the first Voices in Action Award"
In presenting award-winning author of The Vagina Monologues, Eve Ensler, with TMI Project's first Voices in Action award, Eva tells the story of how TMI Project came to be. Eva directed The Vagina Monologues two years in a row as a fundraiser for a non-profit organization that helps women. The third year, she asked if she could instead have the cast write and tell their own true stories, leaving in the "T.M.I." parts, the "too much information" parts they usually left out because they were too painful or embarrassing. In accepting the award, Ensler talks about the importance of storytelling and sharing the secrets of our trauma--the power of listening and the power of stories. She urges the audience to support TMI Project in any way they can.
"TMI Project Promo"
TMI Project is a non-profit organization that offers memoir and monologue writing workshops that culminate in storytelling performances, or published material. Through the ancient art of storytelling, participants divulge the parts of their stories that they usually leave out – the parts they are usually too ashamed or embarrassed to share – and the parts others most want to hear, fostering greater understanding and compassion among people. Participants turn their pasts into testimonials of survival, dispelling old shame and inspiring others. Both story-teller and listener can then rewrite their futures.
"The Lucky Ones"
From What to Expect When You're NOT Expecting
(Edited and directed by Eva Tenuto)
Five women bravely share their experience surviving illegal abortion pre Roe vs. Wade. Listen to these women courageously tell their own true stories in hopes to release shame, inspire others and protect the reproductive freedom of future generations, while raising money for Planned Parenthood with every performance.
"Julie Novak is America's Next Top (Highlight Reel)"
(Co-written and directed by Eva Tenuto)
Highlights from Julie Novak's one-woman show America's Next Top: One top's hilarious take on life, love, tools and boxes.
"Blue Again?"
From Too Much Information, Mental Health Awareness
In this original monologue, Eva practices what she preaches and shares the parts of her story she usually leaves out because of shame and embarrassment. It's about her struggle with clinical depression and her journey in recovery from addiction and mental illness.
"Til Death Do Us Part"
From Too Much Information, Round 5
Eva shares her original monologue about how in 2011 when same-sex marriage became legal in New York State, she unconsciously dove head-first into a same-sex wedding planning business - and her own brief engagement - as a way to escape the pain of watching her 94-year-old grandmother die. A sober alcoholic, Eva latched onto that welcome distraction from her Granny's decline as if it were a bottle of tequila – despite her mixed feelings about marriage and girlfriend's unwavering aversion to it. Luckily for Eva, her then-girlfriend (now wife) called off the publicity-stunt wedding they'd won (you have to watch to see what it included but it involved The Guinness Book of World Records). This inadvertently freeing Eva up to be there - really be there - for Granny in her final moments.